How and why we create subdomains | Domain Hosting

How and why we create subdomains

creating subdomains are not only distribution of directory in different location in hosting account,it is more than that and there is numerous advantages for subdomains,we will discuss why subdomains are important and how to create subdomains,after google panda afects importance of subdomains increase tremondously becaus since millions of website now sleeping in sand box,i am not joking this is reality,now domain which are going in sand box can only recover if they create subdomains and place category to category in them,after population of articles inside these subdomains will get high rank if you work honestly and dont use pirated and used data,another benefit of subdomains is once you create subdomain with specific category google capture it easily and in search engine this specific word get better rank and you will earn good traffic,here we bring a video related to this topic hope you will better under stand after watching the video how to manage subdomains

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